Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sunday At ASYLUM


Please try to attend the kick off practice this Sunday at 1:00pm.
We will be working on break out #1.
Also you will need to sign your contract and get them in so I can have them on file.
If you have any question please feel free to e-mail them or post them to the blog.


Mike Capt. Team Fusion


  1. Can't wait for the season to begin but as I mentioned last week, I have to work both Sat and Sun. We can talk more tomorrow during lunch. By the way, can't wait to see the Redz gear in person.

  2. Looking through the Redz catalog last night, the new gear looks good. I have always ran the right facing packs. I am interested in giving the bottom load a chance since I tend to switch hands that I shoot with.

    Just got the Karni set to PSP with 12bps. Ready to go.

    See you at lunch.

  3. So stoked about the Redz gear!! Can't wait to get my hands on a marker and see what kind of damage I can do at practice!! Super excited to start this season's practice schedule and new gear-No Way!

  4. Mike know I told you I'd have this a while ago but here's my appa again 82726
    And practice was fun

  5. Wonder why my name shows as peka on my first post

  6. Peka is the mannn way to get in the snake last week.......
